I can't believe I am actually sad to see 2008 go, it has been such an amazing year!
We started the year (well, actually the very end of 2007) by finding out that I was pregnant. We couldn't have been more excited(or so we thought:). In March we found out that we were having a little boy, and in May had my beautiful baby shower hosted by our dear friends Megan and Janice.
June brought our anniversary, my dad's 60th birthday, my sister's b-day, and my nephew Matthew's 5th birthday.
July brought my sister and her family back to California and they even lived in Fresno for a while.
Then came August....the most exciting month of them all. On August 3rd Oliver made his appearance into the world. Then if we weren't busy enough with a newborn, we decided to go out and buy a house.
November brought us moving into our new house, then 4 days later I came back to work full time. We have been very lucky with who watches Oliver during the week. Monday's and Tuesday's he goes to a family friend(who he loves), Wednesday's Joey is home, then Thursday's and Friday's my mom comes over and watches him.
December hit us fast and was gone just as fast. With Christmas Eve and Christmas and trying to get the house ready we blinked and the month (and year) was already over.
I can't wait to see what 2009 brings us. We look forward to a wedding in Hawaii (yeah Megan, I am so excited!!!) and a little boy who gets bigger every day.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Tonight we went to Riverpark to get Oliver's picture taken with Santa. He did great, didn't even cry, and held on to his beard the entire time. When we walked in I saw a guy I went to high school with, he was the photographer. After he printed the pictures he slipped in a CD with all the pictures that he took!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Oliver's First Day at the Babysitter
Yesterday was Oliver's first day with Kim, the babysitter. Joey dropped him off at about 8:30 and picked him up at around 5. Normally I will be picking him up, but Joey got off early so he went ahead and got him.
Kim said that he did very well. He took 2 very good naps and sat in the swing and watched her kids play. She has a 2 year old, 4 year old, and 7 year old. The 2 year old, Ethan, loves Oliver! I guess when Ethan woke up from his nap the first thing he asked his mom was, "Where is Oliver?" She also said that while she was feeding him he kept on smiling at her and making cute cooing noises. Also, when I came home from work, he was nothing but smiles.
I am so happy that he is happy there. We interviewed another lady and I was not happy at all(neither was Joey), so I was really afraid and nervous about sending him to someone. I am actually really good friends with Kim's younger sister, Meredith. I not only worked with Meredith but I also worked with her brother Jonathan, so I have known the family for a couple years.
Kim said that he did very well. He took 2 very good naps and sat in the swing and watched her kids play. She has a 2 year old, 4 year old, and 7 year old. The 2 year old, Ethan, loves Oliver! I guess when Ethan woke up from his nap the first thing he asked his mom was, "Where is Oliver?" She also said that while she was feeding him he kept on smiling at her and making cute cooing noises. Also, when I came home from work, he was nothing but smiles.
I am so happy that he is happy there. We interviewed another lady and I was not happy at all(neither was Joey), so I was really afraid and nervous about sending him to someone. I am actually really good friends with Kim's younger sister, Meredith. I not only worked with Meredith but I also worked with her brother Jonathan, so I have known the family for a couple years.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Back to Work:(
Last Wednesday was my first day back to work since having Oliver. As much as I was ready to go back, it was still hard to leave him. Although, I was not away from him all day. I went home for lunch and Joey brought him by my work. I think it is going to work out pretty good with daycare. Monday and Tuesdays he will go to the babysitter(a good friend of mine's sister will be watching him), Wednesday Joey will be home, and then on Thursdays and Fridays my mom will come over to watch him.
Yesterday when I came home for lunch I got some very exciting news...Oliver rolled over! My mom had him on his play mat doing some tummy time and he rolled from belly to back on the left side! When I got home from work he did it for me 4 times! So I ran to get the video camera to capture it on film, and of course, he didn't do it. He did the same thing this morning for Joey. I think he gets too interested in the camera to do anything else.
We moved into our house on the 15th and we are slowly getting things put away. The house is looking a little plain. We need to paint and get window treatments downstairs so once we do that it will look more warm and inviting.
Tomorrow we are having a small game night so some family and friends can see the house. Then I am off for 4 days for Thanksgiving! Joey's mom will be in town on Saturday so we will spend all day with her. I know she is not going to belive how big Oliver is now! We might even get his picture taken with Santa!
Yesterday when I came home for lunch I got some very exciting news...Oliver rolled over! My mom had him on his play mat doing some tummy time and he rolled from belly to back on the left side! When I got home from work he did it for me 4 times! So I ran to get the video camera to capture it on film, and of course, he didn't do it. He did the same thing this morning for Joey. I think he gets too interested in the camera to do anything else.
We moved into our house on the 15th and we are slowly getting things put away. The house is looking a little plain. We need to paint and get window treatments downstairs so once we do that it will look more warm and inviting.
Tomorrow we are having a small game night so some family and friends can see the house. Then I am off for 4 days for Thanksgiving! Joey's mom will be in town on Saturday so we will spend all day with her. I know she is not going to belive how big Oliver is now! We might even get his picture taken with Santa!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Quick Update
I know it has been a while since I posted last, but I need to make this one a quick one.
We get the keys to the new house on Friday and we are SO excited!!! Right now our house is a disaster as there are boxes everywhere! The movers are going to be coming Saturday morning and hopefully we can get everything moved in one trip. All last week and all this week we have been packing up the house. Although it is hard with Oliver so we have been doing most of the packing once he goes to bed.
I got some really cute pictures of him the other morning, but the cord to the camera is packed away, so it will have to wait till we get in the new house. Oh, and AT&T can't come out till November 29th, so as of this Sunday, we will not have internet for a while. I will try and post another update before our internet gets cut off.
We get the keys to the new house on Friday and we are SO excited!!! Right now our house is a disaster as there are boxes everywhere! The movers are going to be coming Saturday morning and hopefully we can get everything moved in one trip. All last week and all this week we have been packing up the house. Although it is hard with Oliver so we have been doing most of the packing once he goes to bed.
I got some really cute pictures of him the other morning, but the cord to the camera is packed away, so it will have to wait till we get in the new house. Oh, and AT&T can't come out till November 29th, so as of this Sunday, we will not have internet for a while. I will try and post another update before our internet gets cut off.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
We Voted!
This morning I got Ollie all ready to go voting for the first time.
I was thinking that there was going to be a really long line, and came prepared with a book and all, but to my surprise, there was not one person waiting in line. I walked right up, got my ballot, and voted. It was so easy I couldn't believe it.
Ollie slept through me voting, but did I got him a sticker. I forgot to take my camera, but I did take a picture as soon as we got home.
Monday, November 3, 2008
3 Months Old
I can't believe today Oliver is 3 months old today. It seems like every day he is getting so big and doing new things.
He smiles a ton, coos, holds on to things like his blanket and pacifier, and is sitting up with assistance. His personality is also coming out more and more every day. Even though he currently has his first cold, he is still a happy little guy!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Oliver's First Halloween:) and first Cold:(
I didn't dress Oliver up as anything this year, just some cute onesies that he got from Megan and Joey's mom. We started off the day with a doctor's appointment for myself. My mom went with us to help me with Oliver while I was in with the doctor. Then it was off to Target and then Chili's for lunch. After lunch we dropped my mom back off at home then it was nap time.
Once Joey got home from work we ate dinner then it was off to Joey's dad's for some tricker treating! We stayed there for a while, but Oliver was so tired and we still had to stop by my parents. As soon as we got home Oliver crashed and didn't wake up till 7:45!
We are now lounging at home in our pj's. I do need to get my butt up and ready for the day as we need to run some errands.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Look What We Got!!
I never knew that I would get so excited over a washer and dryer.
Yesterday Joey, Oliver, and myself went to the Wholesale Appliance Depot to look at what they had and to check out their prices. Everything in the store has some sort of damage or factory defect. Joey found this one set and I couldn't see any damage. Plus I love the color. As I looked closer I noticed a little dent on the side of the dryer, but since they will be side by side you won't even see it.
We weren't going to buy right away, but this store is only open 4 days per month and the next time it is open we will already be in our house. Another thing is that they have great prices. We got both the washer and dryer for half of what we would have normally spent.
Now I just can't wait to get it in our new house!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Oliver's 2 month stats
Oliver had his 2 month doctors appointment today.
Here are his stats:
Weight: 12.4 lbs-25%
Height: 23 1/4 inches-40%
Head circumference: 39.5 cm-20%
While we were there I had a ton of questions for his doctor. Everything from cradle cap to him sleeping so much to where he is developmentally. He is right on track for everything. The nurse was surprised when I told her he has been sleeping through the night since he was 8 weeks old, and that is what prompted me asking if he sleeps so much. The doctor said that as long as he is gaining weight then everything is fine.
At this visit he got 3 shots! He was such a good boy for them. He did cry a little, but only for about 15 seconds and then he started sucking on his pacifier. The doctor said that he should be fine, but if he starts to get fussy or extra sleepy that is normal. As I type this he is laying on his play mat kicking his feet like crazy and smiling at the little sun that is playing music.
Here are his stats:
Weight: 12.4 lbs-25%
Height: 23 1/4 inches-40%
Head circumference: 39.5 cm-20%
While we were there I had a ton of questions for his doctor. Everything from cradle cap to him sleeping so much to where he is developmentally. He is right on track for everything. The nurse was surprised when I told her he has been sleeping through the night since he was 8 weeks old, and that is what prompted me asking if he sleeps so much. The doctor said that as long as he is gaining weight then everything is fine.
At this visit he got 3 shots! He was such a good boy for them. He did cry a little, but only for about 15 seconds and then he started sucking on his pacifier. The doctor said that he should be fine, but if he starts to get fussy or extra sleepy that is normal. As I type this he is laying on his play mat kicking his feet like crazy and smiling at the little sun that is playing music.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Some Wedding Pictures
What a Wonderful Wedding!
Yesterday was Tim and Lauren's wedding, and it was beautiful!
They got married on the beach in Santa Barbara and they could not have asked for better weather. There was a slight breeze and as the son went down it got a little chilly, but not too bad.
I got a lot of really good pictures, but I am on Allison's computer, so as soon as I get home back to Fresno I will upload them.
That is all for now, time to get on the road.
They got married on the beach in Santa Barbara and they could not have asked for better weather. There was a slight breeze and as the son went down it got a little chilly, but not too bad.
I got a lot of really good pictures, but I am on Allison's computer, so as soon as I get home back to Fresno I will upload them.
That is all for now, time to get on the road.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Time for an Update
As I sit here and type this, Oliver is asleep in his room, and Joey is asleep on the couch next to me. For the past couple hours we have been getting ready to go to Santa Barbara for Joey's brother, Tim's, wedding(Joey is the best man).
We will be heading out tomorrow after Joey gets off of work at around 1:30(it should take us about 4 hours to get there) The wedding is on Saturday right on the beach so it should be very nice. Joey's dad and step-mom rented a house that has a guest house behind it that we will be staying in. I can't wait to get out of Fresno with Joey and Oliver. Even though it is going to be a crazy weekend, it should be very nice. I am hoping to get to the beach to show Oliver, but I have a feeling we might not have the time.
I hope we don't forget anything. If you look at how much we are taking, you would think that we are moving!
We will be heading out tomorrow after Joey gets off of work at around 1:30(it should take us about 4 hours to get there) The wedding is on Saturday right on the beach so it should be very nice. Joey's dad and step-mom rented a house that has a guest house behind it that we will be staying in. I can't wait to get out of Fresno with Joey and Oliver. Even though it is going to be a crazy weekend, it should be very nice. I am hoping to get to the beach to show Oliver, but I have a feeling we might not have the time.
I hope we don't forget anything. If you look at how much we are taking, you would think that we are moving!
Friday, October 3, 2008
My Monkey is 2 months Old!
I can't believe my baby is 2 months old. These past 2 months have gone by so fast and I can't believe how much he has changed since he was born.
Oliver has such a funny personality. Joey and my sister can get him to make the funniest faces by just asking him to give us the zoolander faces.
This week we spent a couple days in Walnut Creek with Katie, Eric, and the boys. On Tuesday we went and saw So You Think You Can Dance in Oakland with my mother-in-law and Allison while Eric watched all 3 boys. Wednesday we headed to Milpitas to the shops at the Great Mall of the Bay Area.
For the past week Oliver has slept through the night! It is so nice to get a full nights sleep, although a part of me misses those night time feedings, he is so sweet when he falls asleep on my shoulder.
The next month is going to be very busy with the house getting done and us moved in. I will post some new house pictures soon.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Anyone that is a parent probably knows what those four letters stand for. If you are not a parent it stands for Sleeping Through The Night!!! And that is what Oliver did last night, at exactly 8 weeks old.
Yesterday was a very busy, but very fun day. It started out with going to Lauren's bridal shower at Pangea. Tim and Lauren's wedding is quickly approaching, in about 3 weeks. I decided last minute to bring Oliver since Joey's mom, sister, and aunt were going to be there and haven't seen him since he was 2 weeks old. We got to Pandea at about 11:30 and the bridal shower started about a half hour later. We had a very nice lunch and then Lauren started opening gifts. Joey's mom, sister, and aunt traded off holding Oliver. Even though it was hot, it was a very nice shower. We then headed to my parents to get ready for Megan and Keola's engagement party.
The engagement party started at 5:00 and was absolutely beautiful! It was held in her aunt and uncle's backyard that was just redone. Ron and Marti came down from Santa Cruz and this was their first time seeing Oliver. As soon as Marti saw Oliver she took him and I only saw him once for the rest of the night. After Marti held him Paul, Megan's cousin took over.
Since he slept most of the night I was a little worried how well he would sleep in the middle of the night. We got to my parents about 9:30, I fed him at about 10:00 and he fell asleep again. When we got home we put him straight to bed and then went to bed ourselves. This is where it gets exciting...He didn't wake up until 5:00. Still early for me, but I would consider that sleeping through the night! I fed him and he slept till 8:15.
Today was pretty much a lazy day. Mike, Janice, Matt, Megan, and Keola came over on their way to the train station to drop Matt off. They stayed and visited for about 2 hours since Matt's train was leaving at 2:10 for LA.
We took Kate, Eric, and the boys over to our house for them to see the model and to show them ours. They have done a lot to the house and it should be done in about a month. I got a lot more pictures, but it is late so I will post them tomorrow.
Yesterday was a very busy, but very fun day. It started out with going to Lauren's bridal shower at Pangea. Tim and Lauren's wedding is quickly approaching, in about 3 weeks. I decided last minute to bring Oliver since Joey's mom, sister, and aunt were going to be there and haven't seen him since he was 2 weeks old. We got to Pandea at about 11:30 and the bridal shower started about a half hour later. We had a very nice lunch and then Lauren started opening gifts. Joey's mom, sister, and aunt traded off holding Oliver. Even though it was hot, it was a very nice shower. We then headed to my parents to get ready for Megan and Keola's engagement party.
The engagement party started at 5:00 and was absolutely beautiful! It was held in her aunt and uncle's backyard that was just redone. Ron and Marti came down from Santa Cruz and this was their first time seeing Oliver. As soon as Marti saw Oliver she took him and I only saw him once for the rest of the night. After Marti held him Paul, Megan's cousin took over.
Since he slept most of the night I was a little worried how well he would sleep in the middle of the night. We got to my parents about 9:30, I fed him at about 10:00 and he fell asleep again. When we got home we put him straight to bed and then went to bed ourselves. This is where it gets exciting...He didn't wake up until 5:00. Still early for me, but I would consider that sleeping through the night! I fed him and he slept till 8:15.
Today was pretty much a lazy day. Mike, Janice, Matt, Megan, and Keola came over on their way to the train station to drop Matt off. They stayed and visited for about 2 hours since Matt's train was leaving at 2:10 for LA.
We took Kate, Eric, and the boys over to our house for them to see the model and to show them ours. They have done a lot to the house and it should be done in about a month. I got a lot more pictures, but it is late so I will post them tomorrow.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Day at the Car Show
Today was a beautiful day! We spent the day at the Cam Twisters car show at River Park. Every year they have a huge car show at the top of the parking garage. For the past couple years we have gone and today was Ollie's first car show! Mom, Ollie, and me got there at around 9:30 and found my dad and then looked for Peggy Cook to show her Ollie. There are about 200 cars or so most of them classic cars and some new ones, including my dad's 2001 corvette. At the show there are a ton of prizes that they raffle off all of the proceeds going to F.E.A.T., an autism charity.
Although I didn't win anything we still had a great time.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
1 Month Old
I can't believe my little boy is already a month old! According to this picture it is very tiring turning a month.
Today we had a very exciting day. Today me and Joey went to the house and signed a ton of papers and are now under contract for our new house. I thought that we were going to go to the design center and pick out all of our upgrades, but we have to wait till next week. Joey leaves for Vegas on Sunday for work, but will be back Thursday morning so we will go then.
I uploaded some more pictures on Olivers site, check them out!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
So Much to Catch Up On
So I know it has been a while since I posted a update, but things have been a little crazy around here. Since Joey went back to work a couple weeks ago, I have been hanging out with my mom a lot of the time. She has come over a couple days during the week in the mornings so I have a chance to get ready for the day while she watches Oliver. He is usually good during the morning, but it seems like every time I would get out of the shower and go to put on my makeup he would start screaming! So it has been a great help for my mom to be here to watch Oliver, and plus, she loves spending time with him.
Another piece of exciting news is that me and Joey bought our first house! It is in the process of being built so it won't be ready for about 2 months, but we get to pick out any upgrades that we want. We are going to the design center tomorrow to pick everything out. We can't wait for it to be ready. After living in an apartment it is going to be so nice to have our own home to do whatever we want to it. It is 2 story, 3 bedrooms, 2 1/4 baths, plus a loft, with 1818 sq feet. And we will be in before Christmas so this year Christmas is at our house! We will be going to the home site all the time to check on the progress, so I will be posting pictures as it comes along.
That is pretty much all that has been going on here. The next couple months is going to be very crazy, with Joey going to Vegas for work on Sunday, 3 birthdays, a bridal shower, a engagement party, a wedding, and the house.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
3 Weeks Old
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Joey's First Day Back to Work
So today was Joey's first day back to work and my first day alone with Oliver. It was pretty uneventful. I finally got in the shower at about 11:30 with Oliver in his bouncer right outside the bathroom door. He was good the entire time I was in the shower, but got a little fussy while I was putting on my makeup. As soon as I turned on the dryer to dry my hair, he feel asleep!
At 12:30 we headed out to meet Joey for lunch and to introduce Oliver to some of his coworkers. We ended up going to Port of Subs for lunch, since I went there all the time when I was pregnant. All the girls working were so excited to meet Oliver.
We then went to the store to pick up stuff for dinner and then headed home. Oliver was so good all day. Actually, he is good all the time, he is such a laid back, easy going baby.
I just updated his site with some new pictures, check it out!
At 12:30 we headed out to meet Joey for lunch and to introduce Oliver to some of his coworkers. We ended up going to Port of Subs for lunch, since I went there all the time when I was pregnant. All the girls working were so excited to meet Oliver.
We then went to the store to pick up stuff for dinner and then headed home. Oliver was so good all day. Actually, he is good all the time, he is such a laid back, easy going baby.
I just updated his site with some new pictures, check it out!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
My Birth Story
The last time I wrote a post I was talking about how we went to the hospital on Friday but only for them to send us home. Then right as we got home my contractions started to come on a lot harder and I believe while I was writing the post I was having contractions.
We stayed home all day trying to time the contractions and tried to get some rest. Throughout the day they were getting a lot stronger, but were not very consistent, they would be 5 minutes apart, then 10, then 15. I really didn't want to go to the hospital again for them to just send us home again. I called my sister around 4 or so and told her what was going on. She said that with Jonathan her contractions were very hard, but also not consistent and if she would have waited till they were 5 minutes apart she would have had him at home. So finally around 6 I told Joey that I could not wait any longer and that we had to go.
When we arrived at the hospital they did the same thing as the night before, hooked me up to all the monitors and checked me. On Friday night I was between 1.5-2cm dilated and now I was a good 3cm! She said she would come back in about an hour and see where I was and they might have me start walking to get things going. Well she ended up coming back less than a half hour later and I was 4cm and she said my water would probably break in the next couple contractions, and they did not want me to walk the halls. Sure enough about 2 contractions later my water broke. As disgusting as it was to feel that, it felt so good to have a lot of the pressure go away.
At about 10pm or so I was 6cm I could not take the pain any longer and asked for the epidural. Ohmigosh...as soon as I got that I was in heaven! About 20 minutes later I could not tell if I was having a contraction or not. I asked Joey to check the monitor and see how strong the contractions were and he said they were off the chart!
My nurse Beth came in and checked me and said that the baby was in a weird position and that she wanted me to lay on each side for a half and hour at a time to see if he would move. I had no idea if I would be able to tell when it was time to call Beth to start pushing since I had the epidural, but she said I would know. At about 2:45am I woke Joey up and told him I thought it was time to call Beth. She came in and checked me and said that his head was right there! She had me do a couple practice pushes to see how fast he would come down and as soon as I started pushing she called in another nurse and told her that she better call the doctor. The doctor came in about 10 minutes later, I pushed for about another 10 minutes and at 3:25am Oliver Joseph came into the world. I could not believe that not only was he here, but that I only pushed for 25 minutes, the nurses kept on telling me that I was such a good pusher.
Right after he came out they put him on me and he started crying right away. They kept him on me for a couple minutes and Joey was able to cut the cord. Then they took him off to the warming station and to get him cleaned up. This is also where they did him apgar test. He scored a 9 both times! Joey went over with him to take pictures only to find out that the batteries in our camera had died! So he got the video camera and started to take video. They finally brought him over to me about a half hour later and was able to try nursing him. To my surprise he latched on right away.
There was so much emotion going through me. I was so happy that he was here and healthy, I was exhausted even though I only pushed for 25 minutes, and I was amazed that I had actually given birth. At around 6am they moved me over to postpartum. We stayed till Monday and was released at about noon.
So far everything has been going pretty good. He sleeps a lot, eats, and poops, and that is about all. We have had a lot of visitors and today Joey's mom, little sister, and brother are coming for the weekend.
We stayed home all day trying to time the contractions and tried to get some rest. Throughout the day they were getting a lot stronger, but were not very consistent, they would be 5 minutes apart, then 10, then 15. I really didn't want to go to the hospital again for them to just send us home again. I called my sister around 4 or so and told her what was going on. She said that with Jonathan her contractions were very hard, but also not consistent and if she would have waited till they were 5 minutes apart she would have had him at home. So finally around 6 I told Joey that I could not wait any longer and that we had to go.
When we arrived at the hospital they did the same thing as the night before, hooked me up to all the monitors and checked me. On Friday night I was between 1.5-2cm dilated and now I was a good 3cm! She said she would come back in about an hour and see where I was and they might have me start walking to get things going. Well she ended up coming back less than a half hour later and I was 4cm and she said my water would probably break in the next couple contractions, and they did not want me to walk the halls. Sure enough about 2 contractions later my water broke. As disgusting as it was to feel that, it felt so good to have a lot of the pressure go away.
At about 10pm or so I was 6cm I could not take the pain any longer and asked for the epidural. Ohmigosh...as soon as I got that I was in heaven! About 20 minutes later I could not tell if I was having a contraction or not. I asked Joey to check the monitor and see how strong the contractions were and he said they were off the chart!
My nurse Beth came in and checked me and said that the baby was in a weird position and that she wanted me to lay on each side for a half and hour at a time to see if he would move. I had no idea if I would be able to tell when it was time to call Beth to start pushing since I had the epidural, but she said I would know. At about 2:45am I woke Joey up and told him I thought it was time to call Beth. She came in and checked me and said that his head was right there! She had me do a couple practice pushes to see how fast he would come down and as soon as I started pushing she called in another nurse and told her that she better call the doctor. The doctor came in about 10 minutes later, I pushed for about another 10 minutes and at 3:25am Oliver Joseph came into the world. I could not believe that not only was he here, but that I only pushed for 25 minutes, the nurses kept on telling me that I was such a good pusher.
Right after he came out they put him on me and he started crying right away. They kept him on me for a couple minutes and Joey was able to cut the cord. Then they took him off to the warming station and to get him cleaned up. This is also where they did him apgar test. He scored a 9 both times! Joey went over with him to take pictures only to find out that the batteries in our camera had died! So he got the video camera and started to take video. They finally brought him over to me about a half hour later and was able to try nursing him. To my surprise he latched on right away.
There was so much emotion going through me. I was so happy that he was here and healthy, I was exhausted even though I only pushed for 25 minutes, and I was amazed that I had actually given birth. At around 6am they moved me over to postpartum. We stayed till Monday and was released at about noon.
So far everything has been going pretty good. He sleeps a lot, eats, and poops, and that is about all. We have had a lot of visitors and today Joey's mom, little sister, and brother are coming for the weekend.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Could it be this weekend....???
So yesterday was suppose to be my last day of work...but I ended up not making it.
This is how our weekend has gone so far:
Friday: Woke up at about 5 having contractions. They were not that bad at first, but were getting worse. I woke Joey up at around 7 and we started timing them. They were coming about 5-10 minutes apart. I decided to call the doctor and see if they wanted me to go to the hospital or see them first. They said to come in at 10:20 to get checked out.
We packed our bags in the car just in case and head to the doctor. My nurse Carol(who I love) checked me, but said my cervix is still pretty high up, but he has dropped quite a bit. I have a regular scheduled appointment on Monday so I asked if I should still come. She said yes, but she really didn't think that I would make it to Monday, she thinks I will have him this weekend.
Since we were almost to the hospital, when we left the doctor we decided to finish pre-registering since I still had to sign a couple papers. Then it was off to get lunch and walk the mall. After walking the mall a couple times it was back home.
At about 9:00pm the contractions started back up pretty hard. We started timing them and they were lasting between 1-2 minutes and about 4-6 minutes apart. At 11:00 I told Joey that it was time to head to the hospital. We get there and get checked in and get in a room. The nurse hooked up the fetal heart rate monitor and the contraction monitor and checked me. She came in a couple minutes later and told me that she wanted to wake the baby up and get him moving, so she was going to bring me some juice. This kinda freaked me out, but I knew I was in a good place if anything happened. Then about 45 minutes later she came in and said they were going to send us home. I was devastated:( It's not like we live that close to the hospital and how was I suppose to know when it was really time to go back.
We got back home at around 2 and went straight to bed. Well, at least I tried to. The contractions were coming closer together and a lot stronger.
So now it is Saturday, and my contractions have come back off and on and not as hard as last night. In a way I really just hope that my water breaks so they can't send me home.
This is how our weekend has gone so far:
Friday: Woke up at about 5 having contractions. They were not that bad at first, but were getting worse. I woke Joey up at around 7 and we started timing them. They were coming about 5-10 minutes apart. I decided to call the doctor and see if they wanted me to go to the hospital or see them first. They said to come in at 10:20 to get checked out.
We packed our bags in the car just in case and head to the doctor. My nurse Carol(who I love) checked me, but said my cervix is still pretty high up, but he has dropped quite a bit. I have a regular scheduled appointment on Monday so I asked if I should still come. She said yes, but she really didn't think that I would make it to Monday, she thinks I will have him this weekend.
Since we were almost to the hospital, when we left the doctor we decided to finish pre-registering since I still had to sign a couple papers. Then it was off to get lunch and walk the mall. After walking the mall a couple times it was back home.
At about 9:00pm the contractions started back up pretty hard. We started timing them and they were lasting between 1-2 minutes and about 4-6 minutes apart. At 11:00 I told Joey that it was time to head to the hospital. We get there and get checked in and get in a room. The nurse hooked up the fetal heart rate monitor and the contraction monitor and checked me. She came in a couple minutes later and told me that she wanted to wake the baby up and get him moving, so she was going to bring me some juice. This kinda freaked me out, but I knew I was in a good place if anything happened. Then about 45 minutes later she came in and said they were going to send us home. I was devastated:( It's not like we live that close to the hospital and how was I suppose to know when it was really time to go back.
We got back home at around 2 and went straight to bed. Well, at least I tried to. The contractions were coming closer together and a lot stronger.
So now it is Saturday, and my contractions have come back off and on and not as hard as last night. In a way I really just hope that my water breaks so they can't send me home.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Light at the end of the Tunnel
There is a light at the end of the tunnel…I am not going to be pregnant forever!
This past Tuesday I had my 38 week appointment. I made no progress from the week before, but she did give me some hope. She gave me the option to strip my membranes which can cause you to go into labor within 24 hours, which so far has not worked. I was telling her that the last thing I want it to go over my due date and she stated that because I have gestational diabetes they won’t let me go past August 8th. If I have not had him by Monday the 4th, they would schedule me to be induced. So, hopefully by this time next week we will have Oliver here!
Now, the big question…is my mom going to be back from Seattle? My cousin Chris is getting married this Saturday and most of my Fresno family is going to be there. Uncle John, Aunt Sharon, Aunt Sally, Derek, and Darren all left this morning for the drive up there, and my mom leaves tomorrow morning to catch her flight in Sacramento. Also, Katie and Eric are closing on their new house on Thursday. If it goes my way (yea right) I would like to be induced on Wednesday morning, that way everyone will be in Fresno.
I will have an update here as soon as we have him and post a lot of pictures!!!
This past Tuesday I had my 38 week appointment. I made no progress from the week before, but she did give me some hope. She gave me the option to strip my membranes which can cause you to go into labor within 24 hours, which so far has not worked. I was telling her that the last thing I want it to go over my due date and she stated that because I have gestational diabetes they won’t let me go past August 8th. If I have not had him by Monday the 4th, they would schedule me to be induced. So, hopefully by this time next week we will have Oliver here!
Now, the big question…is my mom going to be back from Seattle? My cousin Chris is getting married this Saturday and most of my Fresno family is going to be there. Uncle John, Aunt Sharon, Aunt Sally, Derek, and Darren all left this morning for the drive up there, and my mom leaves tomorrow morning to catch her flight in Sacramento. Also, Katie and Eric are closing on their new house on Thursday. If it goes my way (yea right) I would like to be induced on Wednesday morning, that way everyone will be in Fresno.
I will have an update here as soon as we have him and post a lot of pictures!!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Hopefully Soon...
Yesterday was my 37 week appointment and it went very well. They took my weight, blood pressure, and we heard the heartbeat. Everything is right on track. I got the results back from the Group B Strep Test and it was negative. She also did another internal and as of yesterday I was 2cm dilated and 75% effaced! She said since I made progress from last week, that it is looking really good. She said that a lot of walking will help get things moving, so last night me and Joey walked to my aunt and uncles.
Last night I woke up at about 3am having contractions. They were not too bad as I could walk and talk through them. At about 5am I woke Joey up to tell him and we started timing them. They were about 7-10 minutes apart and were lasting about 1-2 minutes. I decided that if they didn’t go away, or got stronger that we would go to the hospital at around 8. Sure enough at about 6 they stopped and I went back to sleep for about another hour. I am really hoping this means that labor will start soon, although I have heard that this could happen for another couple weeksL
My due date is in 2 weeks, 2 days and we can’t wait to meet Oliver!
Last night I woke up at about 3am having contractions. They were not too bad as I could walk and talk through them. At about 5am I woke Joey up to tell him and we started timing them. They were about 7-10 minutes apart and were lasting about 1-2 minutes. I decided that if they didn’t go away, or got stronger that we would go to the hospital at around 8. Sure enough at about 6 they stopped and I went back to sleep for about another hour. I am really hoping this means that labor will start soon, although I have heard that this could happen for another couple weeksL
My due date is in 2 weeks, 2 days and we can’t wait to meet Oliver!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Counting down the days!
So, I have less than 3 weeks till my due date!!! This pregnancy has gone by very fast, up until 30 weeks. Since then it has felt like forever!
It is getting harder and harder to sleep at night (I actually have not slept in our bed in about a month). Sleeping on the couch has been much more comfortable for me, and I am not waking up Joey 4 times a night when I have to go to the bathroom. You always hear when you are pregnant to sleep now, because you will not sleep once the baby comes. Well trust me, if I could sleep now I would, but it is a little easier said then done.
My next doctor’s appointment is tomorrow, and I am really hoping she tells me that I have made progress from last week, although, I am not getting my hopes up.
A couple weeks ago we installed his car seat, and last night I started packing my hospital bag. There are a few more things that I need to put in there, but for the most part we are ready for him to get here. Half of my family is going to be in Seattle for my cousin Chris’ wedding on August 2nd, so I am hoping Oliver arrives before everyone leaves so everyone can meet him.
That is all for now, I will post another entry tomorrow after my appointment.
It is getting harder and harder to sleep at night (I actually have not slept in our bed in about a month). Sleeping on the couch has been much more comfortable for me, and I am not waking up Joey 4 times a night when I have to go to the bathroom. You always hear when you are pregnant to sleep now, because you will not sleep once the baby comes. Well trust me, if I could sleep now I would, but it is a little easier said then done.
My next doctor’s appointment is tomorrow, and I am really hoping she tells me that I have made progress from last week, although, I am not getting my hopes up.
A couple weeks ago we installed his car seat, and last night I started packing my hospital bag. There are a few more things that I need to put in there, but for the most part we are ready for him to get here. Half of my family is going to be in Seattle for my cousin Chris’ wedding on August 2nd, so I am hoping Oliver arrives before everyone leaves so everyone can meet him.
That is all for now, I will post another entry tomorrow after my appointment.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Making some Progress!
Yesterday I had my 36 week doctor’s appointment and everything went great. I had the test for the Group B Test and should get the results at my next appointment. I also had an internal and I am 1cm dilated and she could feel his head! I know this really doesn’t mean much, I could be like this for another 3 weeks, but keep your fingers crossed that I will make more progress between now and next week.
Other than that everything was fine. Joey had not been to an appointment in a little over a month, so it was nice to have him there and he was able to hear the heartbeat again. Baby is still moving a lot, but I know he is running out of room in there! It seems like every time I am done eating lunch and dinner, he gets the hiccups, which is funny because he starts to squirm around. I am getting pretty big and I am sure members at work are wondering if I will have him in my cubicle! Hopefully it won’t be too much longer. I will post an updated picture either tonight or tomorrow.
Other than that everything was fine. Joey had not been to an appointment in a little over a month, so it was nice to have him there and he was able to hear the heartbeat again. Baby is still moving a lot, but I know he is running out of room in there! It seems like every time I am done eating lunch and dinner, he gets the hiccups, which is funny because he starts to squirm around. I am getting pretty big and I am sure members at work are wondering if I will have him in my cubicle! Hopefully it won’t be too much longer. I will post an updated picture either tonight or tomorrow.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
34 weeks
Today I had my 34 week doctor’s appointment and everything is going great. The past couple nights I have had some Braxton Hicks like contractions with some slight cramping, but they have not been consistent, so my doctor said not to worry. If, I do start having more that 6 in 2 hours and they do not go away with water and rest, then I should go to the hospital.
My Gestational Diabetes has been going very well, although I am tired of eating the same thing for breakfast and lunch. My numbers have been very good and hopefully that means that I won’t have to be on insulin.
My next regular appointment is in two weeks, and then it is every week till he decides he is ready to come. I can’t believe my due date is in 6 weeks, and I will be a mom then (if not sooner). Me and Joey are so excited and can’t wait to meet our little guy!
(I will post an updated picture sometime this weekend)
My Gestational Diabetes has been going very well, although I am tired of eating the same thing for breakfast and lunch. My numbers have been very good and hopefully that means that I won’t have to be on insulin.
My next regular appointment is in two weeks, and then it is every week till he decides he is ready to come. I can’t believe my due date is in 6 weeks, and I will be a mom then (if not sooner). Me and Joey are so excited and can’t wait to meet our little guy!
(I will post an updated picture sometime this weekend)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Back to Work
For the last week both me and Joey have been on vacation. It has been so nice to just sit at home and not have anything to do.
Monday started with a doctor’s appointment. Nothing too exciting there. Everything is going good with the baby and still measuring about a week ahead. After the appointment it was off to my parent’s house to watch the boys while my mom went to her dentist appointment.
Then Tuesday was a very exciting day for me and Joey…we put an offer in on a house! We probably won’t hear anything for a while since it is a short sale, but we are keeping our fingers crossed that the bank accepts our offer.
On Wednesday it was off to his mom’s house in Walnut Creek for the rest of the week. We really didn’t have anything planned while we were there, it was just nice to sit and catch up with his mom, step-dad, and little sister. We were going to go into San Francisco on Friday, but decided not too. On Saturday we headed on over to Mountain View to see his sister Kim and have a BBQ. The weather had been pretty hot in Walnut Creek, but by the time we got to Kim’s it was beautiful! We stayed till about 9:30 and then drove back to Walnut Creek.
On Sunday we had brunch with his mom and Allison, then it was off to pick up Katie from the Oakland Airport. With Katie and Roz in tow we drove back to Walnut Creek to drop off Roz at the pet boarding place for a couple weeks until Katie and Eric find a house. On the way out of town we looked at a open house and some model homes then it was on the road back to Fresno.
While I am glad to be back at home it would have been nice to have a couple more days to relax. This week we have Matthew’s 5th B-Day tomorrow and then a diabetes appointment on Wednesday.
Monday started with a doctor’s appointment. Nothing too exciting there. Everything is going good with the baby and still measuring about a week ahead. After the appointment it was off to my parent’s house to watch the boys while my mom went to her dentist appointment.
Then Tuesday was a very exciting day for me and Joey…we put an offer in on a house! We probably won’t hear anything for a while since it is a short sale, but we are keeping our fingers crossed that the bank accepts our offer.
On Wednesday it was off to his mom’s house in Walnut Creek for the rest of the week. We really didn’t have anything planned while we were there, it was just nice to sit and catch up with his mom, step-dad, and little sister. We were going to go into San Francisco on Friday, but decided not too. On Saturday we headed on over to Mountain View to see his sister Kim and have a BBQ. The weather had been pretty hot in Walnut Creek, but by the time we got to Kim’s it was beautiful! We stayed till about 9:30 and then drove back to Walnut Creek.
On Sunday we had brunch with his mom and Allison, then it was off to pick up Katie from the Oakland Airport. With Katie and Roz in tow we drove back to Walnut Creek to drop off Roz at the pet boarding place for a couple weeks until Katie and Eric find a house. On the way out of town we looked at a open house and some model homes then it was on the road back to Fresno.
While I am glad to be back at home it would have been nice to have a couple more days to relax. This week we have Matthew’s 5th B-Day tomorrow and then a diabetes appointment on Wednesday.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
The Baby's Name
So I just realized that I have not posted what our little guy's name is going to be. Although some of you may already know, his name is going to be Oliver Joseph, Ollie for short.
Joey actually thought of it after seeing a movie with a couple that had a son named Oliver. And of course Joseph, after Joey.
:I think Oliver knows that I am talking about him, because right now he is going crazy!:
Joey actually thought of it after seeing a movie with a couple that had a son named Oliver. And of course Joseph, after Joey.
:I think Oliver knows that I am talking about him, because right now he is going crazy!:
Day 2 of Diabetes Diet
So, this whole diabetes diet is not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I met with the diabetic counselor yesterday and she gave me a list of foods that I can and can’t eat. She also showed me how to use my meter to check my blood sugar levels. Here is what I have been eating:
A piece of wheat toast with peanut butter
¼ cup of cottage cheese
Grilled chicken taco (not eating the whole tortilla) with salsa (yum!), lettuce, and cheese.
Beans and rice
Afternoon snack:
12 wheat thins with salsa
Grilled chicken, some sort of vegetable, and ¼ rice
So far all my numbers have been really good, and I am very proud of myself. Last night me and Joey went to Sals Mexican Resturant and I didn’t have any chips(everyone who knows me probably knows how hard that was watching Joey chomp away on them!) Even though this is only the second day of this, I know I can keep it up. I have to keep on telling myself, that it is all for the baby!
A piece of wheat toast with peanut butter
¼ cup of cottage cheese
Grilled chicken taco (not eating the whole tortilla) with salsa (yum!), lettuce, and cheese.
Beans and rice
Afternoon snack:
12 wheat thins with salsa
Grilled chicken, some sort of vegetable, and ¼ rice
So far all my numbers have been really good, and I am very proud of myself. Last night me and Joey went to Sals Mexican Resturant and I didn’t have any chips(everyone who knows me probably knows how hard that was watching Joey chomp away on them!) Even though this is only the second day of this, I know I can keep it up. I have to keep on telling myself, that it is all for the baby!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Taking the bad with the good
So yesterday was both a bad and good day all rolled into one.
First I had my doctor’s appointment and found out that I failed my 3 hour glucose test. But I am right on the border line, so she said I will most likely be able to control it with my diet. The bad part about it is that I have to now go to even more appointments and meet with the Diabetic Center at St. Agnes to learn how to do everything, which means I have to miss more work. Other than that, the doctor said that everything is looking very good. I am measuring at 31 weeks, which is just a couple days ahead, so that is good. My next appointment is on Thursday with the Diabetic Center, then my regular doctor on the 16th. Only about 8 more weeks to go!!!
Now the good news…Joey and I are officially house hunting! We have been pre-approved, now it is just a matter of finding that perfect house. We really want to stay in the general area of my parents because of the schools. We will be in this house for the next 5-10 years so that is really important to us.
And last but not least…today is our 2 year wedding anniversary! I can’t believe how fast these past 2 years have gone by. Since we are so busy this week with appointments, Lamaze class, and my dad’s b-day, we are just going to spend a quiet night at home and Joey is going to make me dinner.
First I had my doctor’s appointment and found out that I failed my 3 hour glucose test. But I am right on the border line, so she said I will most likely be able to control it with my diet. The bad part about it is that I have to now go to even more appointments and meet with the Diabetic Center at St. Agnes to learn how to do everything, which means I have to miss more work. Other than that, the doctor said that everything is looking very good. I am measuring at 31 weeks, which is just a couple days ahead, so that is good. My next appointment is on Thursday with the Diabetic Center, then my regular doctor on the 16th. Only about 8 more weeks to go!!!
Now the good news…Joey and I are officially house hunting! We have been pre-approved, now it is just a matter of finding that perfect house. We really want to stay in the general area of my parents because of the schools. We will be in this house for the next 5-10 years so that is really important to us.
And last but not least…today is our 2 year wedding anniversary! I can’t believe how fast these past 2 years have gone by. Since we are so busy this week with appointments, Lamaze class, and my dad’s b-day, we are just going to spend a quiet night at home and Joey is going to make me dinner.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
What a Day!!!
Where do I begin…yesterday was such an eventful day!
We started the day by going to the car rental place to pick up our rental for the week while my car is in the shop. Not sure if you all heard, but the day of my baby shower, right before I was going to leave, my car was backed into. Luckily no one was in the car, as it was parked in font of our apartment. The girl that hit me was just not paying attention what so ever. After about two weeks of going back and forth she finally decided that she was going to go through her insurance (at first she was going to pay out of pocket). Luckily we were able to get a rental car for the week so me and Joey won’t have to carpool. We ended up getting a Ford Edge and it is VERY nice! Anyways, after picking up the rental car we then dropped my car off at the body shop. Then it was off to my ultrasound appointment.
We had to go in for a follow-up ultrasound so they could re-measure his kidneys as the last time they were a little on the big side. At this ultrasound everything is measuring right on track. The tech said he looks like a sweet baby boy with really big feet! Not sure where he got the big feet from, as both me and Joey have small feel, but she did mention that he will probably not fit in the newborn size booties or socks. When I told my sister this she said that Matthew was the same way. The pictures below are just a couple of what she gave us. In the first picture it looks like he has Joey’s chin, in the second, it shows just how big his feet are, and the third is our favorite. Not sure if you will be able to make it out, but he is playing with his toes. After the u/s tech was done with all her measurements she did the u/s for a couple more minutes so we could have one last look at him. All of a sudden he put his leg up and then grabbed his toes! She also said that it already looks like he has a lot of hair.
After my u/s appointment it was off to my normal doctor’s appt. We got there a little early and surprisingly they took us early (which never happens at doctors offices)! I got to meet one of the other doctors in the practice and she is really nice. The other day I took my one hour glucose test to test for Gestational Diabetes. I thought that I would pass with flying colors, but I failed :(, not too bad, my levels were at 158 and they should not be over 140. She is sending me for a three hour glucose test, but she said that looking at my last test I should be fine. So please all cross your fingers and pray that I pass this one.
I then signed up for Childbirth classes and my first one is this Wednesday. Both Joey and I are very excited, but at the same time a little nervous because that means it is getting closer for me to deliver.
I finally made it to work at about 12:30 and it didn’t slow down. We were very busy and it doesn’t help that we are shot handed.
I know I promised a picture of myself, but our computer at home is dead, we are waiting for a new charger to come in the mail. As soon as we get that I will post one.
We started the day by going to the car rental place to pick up our rental for the week while my car is in the shop. Not sure if you all heard, but the day of my baby shower, right before I was going to leave, my car was backed into. Luckily no one was in the car, as it was parked in font of our apartment. The girl that hit me was just not paying attention what so ever. After about two weeks of going back and forth she finally decided that she was going to go through her insurance (at first she was going to pay out of pocket). Luckily we were able to get a rental car for the week so me and Joey won’t have to carpool. We ended up getting a Ford Edge and it is VERY nice! Anyways, after picking up the rental car we then dropped my car off at the body shop. Then it was off to my ultrasound appointment.
We had to go in for a follow-up ultrasound so they could re-measure his kidneys as the last time they were a little on the big side. At this ultrasound everything is measuring right on track. The tech said he looks like a sweet baby boy with really big feet! Not sure where he got the big feet from, as both me and Joey have small feel, but she did mention that he will probably not fit in the newborn size booties or socks. When I told my sister this she said that Matthew was the same way. The pictures below are just a couple of what she gave us. In the first picture it looks like he has Joey’s chin, in the second, it shows just how big his feet are, and the third is our favorite. Not sure if you will be able to make it out, but he is playing with his toes. After the u/s tech was done with all her measurements she did the u/s for a couple more minutes so we could have one last look at him. All of a sudden he put his leg up and then grabbed his toes! She also said that it already looks like he has a lot of hair.
After my u/s appointment it was off to my normal doctor’s appt. We got there a little early and surprisingly they took us early (which never happens at doctors offices)! I got to meet one of the other doctors in the practice and she is really nice. The other day I took my one hour glucose test to test for Gestational Diabetes. I thought that I would pass with flying colors, but I failed :(, not too bad, my levels were at 158 and they should not be over 140. She is sending me for a three hour glucose test, but she said that looking at my last test I should be fine. So please all cross your fingers and pray that I pass this one.
I then signed up for Childbirth classes and my first one is this Wednesday. Both Joey and I are very excited, but at the same time a little nervous because that means it is getting closer for me to deliver.
I finally made it to work at about 12:30 and it didn’t slow down. We were very busy and it doesn’t help that we are shot handed.
I know I promised a picture of myself, but our computer at home is dead, we are waiting for a new charger to come in the mail. As soon as we get that I will post one.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Quick Update
It has been pretty boring here in Fresno. Work has been slow and other than that we are just moving along. Today I am 28 weeks and am feeling pretty good. There are day though were I am just down right uncomfortable. Everyday as he gets bigger, he is running out of room.
Yesterday I went in for my 1 hour glucose testing. It was not as bad as I thought, it was the waiting that was boring. I got to the office right before 7am, downed the drink, and then waited the hour. Once she took me back it only took about 2 minutes to give the blood. She said the results should be back in about 2 days and I am really hoping everything turns out ok.
My next doctors appointment is on Monday along with my follow-up ultrasound to remeasure his kidneys. We can wait to see our little guy again and hopefully we can get some good pictures and hopefully his kidneys look good.
As most of you have probably heard by now, Katie, Eric, and the boys are moving back to California!!! Specifically Walnut Creek! We are so excited that they are coming back to the home state:) And it works out so well since Joey's mom is up there too. Once the baby comes we will be up there a lot more anyways and now we will be able to see Katie, Eric, and the boys too. It is so important to me and Joey that the baby be close to his cousins, and now with them in California we will be able to get them together so much more.
I will post a new picture of myself in the next couple days and if we get pictures of the baby on Monday, I will post those as well.
Yesterday I went in for my 1 hour glucose testing. It was not as bad as I thought, it was the waiting that was boring. I got to the office right before 7am, downed the drink, and then waited the hour. Once she took me back it only took about 2 minutes to give the blood. She said the results should be back in about 2 days and I am really hoping everything turns out ok.
My next doctors appointment is on Monday along with my follow-up ultrasound to remeasure his kidneys. We can wait to see our little guy again and hopefully we can get some good pictures and hopefully his kidneys look good.
As most of you have probably heard by now, Katie, Eric, and the boys are moving back to California!!! Specifically Walnut Creek! We are so excited that they are coming back to the home state:) And it works out so well since Joey's mom is up there too. Once the baby comes we will be up there a lot more anyways and now we will be able to see Katie, Eric, and the boys too. It is so important to me and Joey that the baby be close to his cousins, and now with them in California we will be able to get them together so much more.
I will post a new picture of myself in the next couple days and if we get pictures of the baby on Monday, I will post those as well.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
The Nursery Is Complete
So yesterday was my baby shower and I had such a great time. Janice and Megan Denman hosted the shower and it was beautiful(pictures to come)! We played a couple games and then had a wonderful lunch. There were so many people there that care for me, Joey, and the baby and we got a ton of great gifts.
This morning we got up early to have breakfast with Joey's mom and sister, then came home and got the nursery all set up. Now all we need is the baby!
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