Monday, August 18, 2008

Joey's First Day Back to Work

So today was Joey's first day back to work and my first day alone with Oliver. It was pretty uneventful. I finally got in the shower at about 11:30 with Oliver in his bouncer right outside the bathroom door. He was good the entire time I was in the shower, but got a little fussy while I was putting on my makeup. As soon as I turned on the dryer to dry my hair, he feel asleep!

At 12:30 we headed out to meet Joey for lunch and to introduce Oliver to some of his coworkers. We ended up going to Port of Subs for lunch, since I went there all the time when I was pregnant. All the girls working were so excited to meet Oliver.

We then went to the store to pick up stuff for dinner and then headed home. Oliver was so good all day. Actually, he is good all the time, he is such a laid back, easy going baby.

I just updated his site with some new pictures, check it out!

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