I can't believe I am actually sad to see 2008 go, it has been such an amazing year!
We started the year (well, actually the very end of 2007) by finding out that I was pregnant. We couldn't have been more excited(or so we thought:). In March we found out that we were having a little boy, and in May had my beautiful baby shower hosted by our dear friends Megan and Janice.
June brought our anniversary, my dad's 60th birthday, my sister's b-day, and my nephew Matthew's 5th birthday.
July brought my sister and her family back to California and they even lived in Fresno for a while.
Then came August....the most exciting month of them all. On August 3rd Oliver made his appearance into the world. Then if we weren't busy enough with a newborn, we decided to go out and buy a house.
November brought us moving into our new house, then 4 days later I came back to work full time. We have been very lucky with who watches Oliver during the week. Monday's and Tuesday's he goes to a family friend(who he loves), Wednesday's Joey is home, then Thursday's and Friday's my mom comes over and watches him.
December hit us fast and was gone just as fast. With Christmas Eve and Christmas and trying to get the house ready we blinked and the month (and year) was already over.
I can't wait to see what 2009 brings us. We look forward to a wedding in Hawaii (yeah Megan, I am so excited!!!) and a little boy who gets bigger every day.
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