So I know this post is a little late, but this picture is from Sunday. Oliver was all ready to go to the country club to have lunch with Papi and Noni Stuart.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
3 Weeks Old
So I know this post is a little late, but this picture is from Sunday. Oliver was all ready to go to the country club to have lunch with Papi and Noni Stuart.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Joey's First Day Back to Work
So today was Joey's first day back to work and my first day alone with Oliver. It was pretty uneventful. I finally got in the shower at about 11:30 with Oliver in his bouncer right outside the bathroom door. He was good the entire time I was in the shower, but got a little fussy while I was putting on my makeup. As soon as I turned on the dryer to dry my hair, he feel asleep!
At 12:30 we headed out to meet Joey for lunch and to introduce Oliver to some of his coworkers. We ended up going to Port of Subs for lunch, since I went there all the time when I was pregnant. All the girls working were so excited to meet Oliver.
We then went to the store to pick up stuff for dinner and then headed home. Oliver was so good all day. Actually, he is good all the time, he is such a laid back, easy going baby.
I just updated his site with some new pictures, check it out!
At 12:30 we headed out to meet Joey for lunch and to introduce Oliver to some of his coworkers. We ended up going to Port of Subs for lunch, since I went there all the time when I was pregnant. All the girls working were so excited to meet Oliver.
We then went to the store to pick up stuff for dinner and then headed home. Oliver was so good all day. Actually, he is good all the time, he is such a laid back, easy going baby.
I just updated his site with some new pictures, check it out!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
My Birth Story
The last time I wrote a post I was talking about how we went to the hospital on Friday but only for them to send us home. Then right as we got home my contractions started to come on a lot harder and I believe while I was writing the post I was having contractions.
We stayed home all day trying to time the contractions and tried to get some rest. Throughout the day they were getting a lot stronger, but were not very consistent, they would be 5 minutes apart, then 10, then 15. I really didn't want to go to the hospital again for them to just send us home again. I called my sister around 4 or so and told her what was going on. She said that with Jonathan her contractions were very hard, but also not consistent and if she would have waited till they were 5 minutes apart she would have had him at home. So finally around 6 I told Joey that I could not wait any longer and that we had to go.
When we arrived at the hospital they did the same thing as the night before, hooked me up to all the monitors and checked me. On Friday night I was between 1.5-2cm dilated and now I was a good 3cm! She said she would come back in about an hour and see where I was and they might have me start walking to get things going. Well she ended up coming back less than a half hour later and I was 4cm and she said my water would probably break in the next couple contractions, and they did not want me to walk the halls. Sure enough about 2 contractions later my water broke. As disgusting as it was to feel that, it felt so good to have a lot of the pressure go away.
At about 10pm or so I was 6cm I could not take the pain any longer and asked for the epidural. soon as I got that I was in heaven! About 20 minutes later I could not tell if I was having a contraction or not. I asked Joey to check the monitor and see how strong the contractions were and he said they were off the chart!
My nurse Beth came in and checked me and said that the baby was in a weird position and that she wanted me to lay on each side for a half and hour at a time to see if he would move. I had no idea if I would be able to tell when it was time to call Beth to start pushing since I had the epidural, but she said I would know. At about 2:45am I woke Joey up and told him I thought it was time to call Beth. She came in and checked me and said that his head was right there! She had me do a couple practice pushes to see how fast he would come down and as soon as I started pushing she called in another nurse and told her that she better call the doctor. The doctor came in about 10 minutes later, I pushed for about another 10 minutes and at 3:25am Oliver Joseph came into the world. I could not believe that not only was he here, but that I only pushed for 25 minutes, the nurses kept on telling me that I was such a good pusher.
Right after he came out they put him on me and he started crying right away. They kept him on me for a couple minutes and Joey was able to cut the cord. Then they took him off to the warming station and to get him cleaned up. This is also where they did him apgar test. He scored a 9 both times! Joey went over with him to take pictures only to find out that the batteries in our camera had died! So he got the video camera and started to take video. They finally brought him over to me about a half hour later and was able to try nursing him. To my surprise he latched on right away.
There was so much emotion going through me. I was so happy that he was here and healthy, I was exhausted even though I only pushed for 25 minutes, and I was amazed that I had actually given birth. At around 6am they moved me over to postpartum. We stayed till Monday and was released at about noon.
So far everything has been going pretty good. He sleeps a lot, eats, and poops, and that is about all. We have had a lot of visitors and today Joey's mom, little sister, and brother are coming for the weekend.
We stayed home all day trying to time the contractions and tried to get some rest. Throughout the day they were getting a lot stronger, but were not very consistent, they would be 5 minutes apart, then 10, then 15. I really didn't want to go to the hospital again for them to just send us home again. I called my sister around 4 or so and told her what was going on. She said that with Jonathan her contractions were very hard, but also not consistent and if she would have waited till they were 5 minutes apart she would have had him at home. So finally around 6 I told Joey that I could not wait any longer and that we had to go.
When we arrived at the hospital they did the same thing as the night before, hooked me up to all the monitors and checked me. On Friday night I was between 1.5-2cm dilated and now I was a good 3cm! She said she would come back in about an hour and see where I was and they might have me start walking to get things going. Well she ended up coming back less than a half hour later and I was 4cm and she said my water would probably break in the next couple contractions, and they did not want me to walk the halls. Sure enough about 2 contractions later my water broke. As disgusting as it was to feel that, it felt so good to have a lot of the pressure go away.
At about 10pm or so I was 6cm I could not take the pain any longer and asked for the epidural. soon as I got that I was in heaven! About 20 minutes later I could not tell if I was having a contraction or not. I asked Joey to check the monitor and see how strong the contractions were and he said they were off the chart!
My nurse Beth came in and checked me and said that the baby was in a weird position and that she wanted me to lay on each side for a half and hour at a time to see if he would move. I had no idea if I would be able to tell when it was time to call Beth to start pushing since I had the epidural, but she said I would know. At about 2:45am I woke Joey up and told him I thought it was time to call Beth. She came in and checked me and said that his head was right there! She had me do a couple practice pushes to see how fast he would come down and as soon as I started pushing she called in another nurse and told her that she better call the doctor. The doctor came in about 10 minutes later, I pushed for about another 10 minutes and at 3:25am Oliver Joseph came into the world. I could not believe that not only was he here, but that I only pushed for 25 minutes, the nurses kept on telling me that I was such a good pusher.
Right after he came out they put him on me and he started crying right away. They kept him on me for a couple minutes and Joey was able to cut the cord. Then they took him off to the warming station and to get him cleaned up. This is also where they did him apgar test. He scored a 9 both times! Joey went over with him to take pictures only to find out that the batteries in our camera had died! So he got the video camera and started to take video. They finally brought him over to me about a half hour later and was able to try nursing him. To my surprise he latched on right away.
There was so much emotion going through me. I was so happy that he was here and healthy, I was exhausted even though I only pushed for 25 minutes, and I was amazed that I had actually given birth. At around 6am they moved me over to postpartum. We stayed till Monday and was released at about noon.
So far everything has been going pretty good. He sleeps a lot, eats, and poops, and that is about all. We have had a lot of visitors and today Joey's mom, little sister, and brother are coming for the weekend.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Could it be this weekend....???
So yesterday was suppose to be my last day of work...but I ended up not making it.
This is how our weekend has gone so far:
Friday: Woke up at about 5 having contractions. They were not that bad at first, but were getting worse. I woke Joey up at around 7 and we started timing them. They were coming about 5-10 minutes apart. I decided to call the doctor and see if they wanted me to go to the hospital or see them first. They said to come in at 10:20 to get checked out.
We packed our bags in the car just in case and head to the doctor. My nurse Carol(who I love) checked me, but said my cervix is still pretty high up, but he has dropped quite a bit. I have a regular scheduled appointment on Monday so I asked if I should still come. She said yes, but she really didn't think that I would make it to Monday, she thinks I will have him this weekend.
Since we were almost to the hospital, when we left the doctor we decided to finish pre-registering since I still had to sign a couple papers. Then it was off to get lunch and walk the mall. After walking the mall a couple times it was back home.
At about 9:00pm the contractions started back up pretty hard. We started timing them and they were lasting between 1-2 minutes and about 4-6 minutes apart. At 11:00 I told Joey that it was time to head to the hospital. We get there and get checked in and get in a room. The nurse hooked up the fetal heart rate monitor and the contraction monitor and checked me. She came in a couple minutes later and told me that she wanted to wake the baby up and get him moving, so she was going to bring me some juice. This kinda freaked me out, but I knew I was in a good place if anything happened. Then about 45 minutes later she came in and said they were going to send us home. I was devastated:( It's not like we live that close to the hospital and how was I suppose to know when it was really time to go back.
We got back home at around 2 and went straight to bed. Well, at least I tried to. The contractions were coming closer together and a lot stronger.
So now it is Saturday, and my contractions have come back off and on and not as hard as last night. In a way I really just hope that my water breaks so they can't send me home.
This is how our weekend has gone so far:
Friday: Woke up at about 5 having contractions. They were not that bad at first, but were getting worse. I woke Joey up at around 7 and we started timing them. They were coming about 5-10 minutes apart. I decided to call the doctor and see if they wanted me to go to the hospital or see them first. They said to come in at 10:20 to get checked out.
We packed our bags in the car just in case and head to the doctor. My nurse Carol(who I love) checked me, but said my cervix is still pretty high up, but he has dropped quite a bit. I have a regular scheduled appointment on Monday so I asked if I should still come. She said yes, but she really didn't think that I would make it to Monday, she thinks I will have him this weekend.
Since we were almost to the hospital, when we left the doctor we decided to finish pre-registering since I still had to sign a couple papers. Then it was off to get lunch and walk the mall. After walking the mall a couple times it was back home.
At about 9:00pm the contractions started back up pretty hard. We started timing them and they were lasting between 1-2 minutes and about 4-6 minutes apart. At 11:00 I told Joey that it was time to head to the hospital. We get there and get checked in and get in a room. The nurse hooked up the fetal heart rate monitor and the contraction monitor and checked me. She came in a couple minutes later and told me that she wanted to wake the baby up and get him moving, so she was going to bring me some juice. This kinda freaked me out, but I knew I was in a good place if anything happened. Then about 45 minutes later she came in and said they were going to send us home. I was devastated:( It's not like we live that close to the hospital and how was I suppose to know when it was really time to go back.
We got back home at around 2 and went straight to bed. Well, at least I tried to. The contractions were coming closer together and a lot stronger.
So now it is Saturday, and my contractions have come back off and on and not as hard as last night. In a way I really just hope that my water breaks so they can't send me home.
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