So far so good. I have been feeling great and getting bigger every day. Next Monday is our next doctors appointment and we will actually get to meet my doctor. I am hoping she will say that we can go ahead and find out the sex of the baby, but if not we will have to wait till I get back from Chicago.
This past weekend we went up to Walnut Creek to see Joey's mom, step dad, and Allison. It was a very nice weekend. On Saturday Joey's mom and me went shopping for some new maternity clothes. I found some really cute clothes and am happy and much more comfortable! That night we all drove out to Mountain View to see Kim and her fiance Andy. They bought a house a couple months ago, and we had not see it yet. Plus we still had to do our "Christmas" with them since we did not get to see them for the holidays. We went out for a nice dinner and then drove back to Walnut Creek.
On Sunday it was a very relaxing day. It actually rained all day, but we did manage to get out for lunch and to visit Eric's parents. We then went back to Joey's mom's house, chatted for a while, then drove back to Fresno.
The drive home was fine and got back around 7:15pm. Next week is our appointment and then the next week I will be in Chicago.