The other day my sister sent me a link about some recent recalls on cribs. I took a look at it and sure enough Oliver's crib was on the list. It stated on the recall that since the company is out of business we can just take the crib to where we purchased it and get either a replacement crib, store credit, or a refund. I called Target(where we got the crib) and they said just to bring it in. When Joey got home from work we took it apart and headed over to Target. I couldn't remember what we paid for it, but I knew it was around $250. When we went up to customer service they said that we would be getting the full price refunded back to us! Now mind you, even though Oliver had put bite marks all over the sides, we were just going to use the same crib for our second child. I didn't think Oliver was ready for his big boy bed yet, so we looked at what they had to offer for cribs. They didn't have anything that would match with the furniture that we already had in his room.
When we got home we figured we can try him out in his bed and see how he does, and to our amazement he did great! I was worried what he would do in the morning, if he would get out or just sit in bed. The next morning when he woke up I heard him talking so I went in there and he was just sitting up in bed playing with all his stuffed animals!
So far he has slept very good at night and taken some really good naps in his new bed. We went back to Target to get him new sheets, and found some really cute sports sheets. Now I want to redo his room, but we will have to see.
Here are a couple pictures of him in his new bed, as you can see, he loves it! Now when we have our second child, he/she will not get a hammy down crib with bite marks all over it:)