I know I have been MIA for a while. Get ready for a lot of pictures.
Halloween weekend we headed up to Walnut Creek to see my sister and her family and then my husbands family and also to have our family pictures taken.
The family pictures turned out really good, now I just need to go pick our favorites and order them. I think I have narrowed it down, but I am going to go through all of them one more time.
Halloween evening we headed to downtown Walnut Creek to do some trick-or-treating. Joey's little sister, Allison, came along to help out with the boys.

My little dragon
Dragon and Daddy

Mommy and Dragon

Ollie the Dragon, Allison the Mardi Gras Girl, Matthew: Dash, and Jonathan: Woody
After trick-or-treating we went back to Joey's mom's house to roast marshmallows by the fire pit in the back yard.
Sunday was a pretty lazy day and just hung out around the house most of the day and then left to come back home around 6:00pm.
This past week was full of work and then Oliver's 15 month check up on Friday. Here are his stats:
Weight: 22.1lbs(20%)
Height: 30inches(25%)
Head Circumference: don't remember the number but he is in the 45%!
Friday I also met up with an old friend from high school and her little boy Vincent for lunch. It was so good to see her(it had been over 3 years) and it was so good to meet Vincent, who is so adorable!

Seriously how cute is he?!?!

Oliver loved him!

Big hugs!

Oliver sharing his seat with Vincent
Also on Friday my sister and her family came into town. This morning my sister ran in the Fresno/Clovis Half Marathon, and I ran the first leg of the full Marathon! I was definitely not ready for it, but I did finish. My work was sponsoring it, and the needed one last person, so last minute I said I would do it. Now, I have not ran since I got pregnant with Oliver, so to say the least I was way out of shape! 3 years ago I ran the Disneyland Half Marathon with no training, but running 6.5 miles this morning seamed a lot harder! But that did put me in the mood to actually start training and maybe I will run the half next year!